Monday, September 11, 2006

Tip of the day - Noisy XBox 360 Lay it down

Not all XBox 360's are created equal and it appears that some have noisier fans than others when in Media Center extender mode. One thing I have definitely noticed with our 360 is that it is a lot quieter when laid on its side (horizontally) than when in the vertical position. Not sure why this should be but, from reading a load of web posts, it does seem to be a common feature.

So if you have a noisy 360 lay it down.

IMPORTANT - never move your 360 with the power on and disc in the drive. if you do you may very well scratch the disc and even possibly damage the drive heads.


Brian T. said...

Great tip on the 360 laying it on its side, I'll have to try that.


Anonymous said...

can somebody help me please!
i set up windows media cebnter to connect to my xbox 360, however when i did it i accidentally changed some setting that prevents my computer from going into sleep mode (it keeps the computer on always so you can always access information from media center). I believ this was a regiostry changem but i dont know how to change it back. help!!

Anonymous said...

I have mine upright is because apparently the video processor that causes the red rings when it overheats is located at the back and below the DVD drive and apparently laying it down stops air circulating around the lower underneath airholes (where they will only have approx 2-3 mm of space to allow heat out if you lay it down) and when heat cant escape overheating occurs.
However when stood upright the problem chip has all round ventilation (as its near the top of the upright machine) and slightly better ventilation to let the heat to disappate.

I read it in a magazine that tested it out last year and they found that upright machines failed slightly less than laid down ones and engineering experts believed that was one of the major reasons for heat build up and overheating.

My first machine was laid down and failed ROD within 7 months, my 2nd machine is now stood up and lasted far longer and no crashes to consider. (not a great test but i believe in it)

If you want to see what i mean then if you lay your machine down, look at the very small gap under your xbox and whatever it is stood on. The feet on the 360 are so small you cannot get good clearance. Now lift the machine upright and see how much airhole ventilation they have placed along the side where the HDD is located on the bottom and notice how that strip of airholes would be virtually blocked when laid down.

Whether laying down a machine is more prone to ROD or not is something probably only MS know for sure but experts that assessed it claim they think it is probably one of the main reasons for it.

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